The Peoria System of Handicapping ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Peoria is a very popular handicap system for use in the early part of the season when handicaps are not yet established. The mechanics of the Peoria are not as complicated as the Callaway, yet it offers a fair method of handicapping the unhandicapped. The most important part of the Peoria is selecting the six holes used in calculating the handicaps. The six holes should be selected after the field has teed off. It would not be fair if a player knew them prior to tee off. Therefore, the computer has a special built in random numbers generator that will select the six holes before you start entering the scores from the scorecards. The Method ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The method to the madness is simple. The six holes selected by the computer are added together, leaving a total for the six holes. That total is multiplied by three (3) giving us a bigger total. We take that bigger total and subtract the par for the course leaving leaving either a positive number or a negative number for the handicap. A simple example: The players six selected holes total = 30 (30 X 3 = 90) Par is 72, so subtract 90 - 72 = 18 is the handicap On the other side... The players six selected holes total = 23 (23 X 3 = 69) Par is 72, so subtract 69 - 72 = -3 is the handicap Scores and Ties The Easy Way ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The scores have proven "accurate" under actual tournament play and extensive testing. Ties are broken based on the Peoria score first, and the handicap second. As for the ties that go beyond the Peoria, they are broken by the course. The sales pitch is simple. If you find this program has in some small way saved you time or money, or if by the use of this program you have made money. Please send $35.00 to... John J. Bates, Golf Systems - 3 1500 W. Esplanade C-29 Kenner, LA 70065 Registered users will recieve a special gift, Thanks jjb